"BSS Mobile Bank. Extended Version" - a new generation of mobile banking for private customers.
- Customer can use a bunch of usable features without authorization, such as: news from the bank, currency exchange rates with a convenient calculator, search for the bank points of presence - including ATMs, offices, branches, retail points with discounts etc. The search for ATMs by many parameters is accessible for the customer.
- Customer can order a call-back or make an enquiry for a credit or deposit opening without authorization. Enquiry contents and enquiry types can be configured by bank employees.
- Along with common login into the banking application via username and password, customer can turn on additional authorization and set up a PIN-code, using which he will have the possibility to quickly enter the private part of the mobile application.
- The convenient view of accounts, credits and deposits is implemented, along with receipt view, including the receipt for the time period, flexible loading of transactions for the receipt.
- Payments with pre-defined templates, service payments, transfers between customer's own accounts are available.
- Customer can use single-use passwords got via SMS as the substitute of his genuine signature.
- Smooth and well-balanced interface of the mobile application conforms the quirks of the supported mobile platforms and makes user interaction with the system simple and convenient.